Sunday, May 08, 2005


Spin exit

Please share how you help students exit from spins.

So many kids "keep spinning" as they finish a spin.

Any ideas on how to help them?

I usually just lurk, but here is what i have learned along the way that may work for you as well. I usually have them when they first start to learn spins to rotate a minimum of 2 rotations. Then, I tell them to push out backwards (some try forwards), stretch, arch & hold that position for a count of 5. Then when they are more comfortable with more rotations, they hold longer on exit.
I hope this makes sense & helps!
Try teaching the exit first! I find that putting the emphasis there really stresses the importance of a good exit. Kids already know and are excited about spinning, just shift the focus!
I also have them focus on their free leg. If you tell them to keep their free leg slightly to the outside of their circle after they push back, then it helps them glide out and away instead of twirling around. If their free leg is directly behind their tush it makes them twirl and causes their weight to fall off their circle. You can tell them to keep their leg at 5 or 7 o'clock depending on which way they push out.
I also teach the exit separately. I teach them to start with their feet together, bend both knees, then push the left foot (for a CCW spinner) out & back to a BO 1 foot glide w/ free leg extended. If they've learned their waltz jump they will relate to this if you tell them it's their landing postition. We do this until they've got a nice strong push & glide, then they do a 1 rev. 2 foot spin & then bend the knees, push & glide to exit. I work it up from there until we're back to the 1 foot spin & they're doing a nice strong exit. This also teaches them to FINISH a spin--rather than letting it trail off sideways & unbalanced until they just fall out of it.
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